Wednesday, January 16, 2008

nice song by f/aye w/ong (old)

yes mingen! it was fun!
just had a mini-crisis today... spent really long deciding what modules to take. like, 50 minutes before the LAST round of bidding closed.
felt vaguely apprehensive, like. my decision had a definitive impact on the path im going to take in life, and the reason why i made it.... was because.... i felt tired. =(. i wish it had been more profound, like epiphani-c like, but no. i was just feeling tired and wanted something easy. not like EASY easy, but easy in the sense tt i/ndi/an phil/osophy is eas/ier than c/om sci, but not necessarily funner. in a way. duno. feel like im going to be a useless, skill-less person! but then again, not like i waNT to gO stare at coms for the rest of my life. but i don't know. im part of the age that worships science n tech. =(

actually i wanted to take c/la/ssi/cal chinese but! i was BARRED from taking it cos of some technical detail. =(

but whatever, i shall be indifferent about myself like the song.

"i don't care about me."
"Well, I care about you."
"Oh yes, but I don't care about me. And I'll do it and then everything will be fine."
- "Hi/lls like Wh/ite Eleph/ants" (Er/nest Hemi/ngway)

Do read it, We dissected it in class and I was just being talkative as usual, kept shooting back at the teacher's prompts when suddenly i got it and shouted out the "A" word (which was the key, read it n you'll prob get what the A word is) and then suddenly it all felt so sad I almost cried but it was only because i was being too emotional and so yes

then we met andi and I told her how i would prob have liked lit better if not for p/u/rv/is , in a way.

be like the song! =(