Thursday, February 28, 2008

the two videos were so funny!!!!!!

and how come ive never seen the /o/l/ym/p/us ad before? it looks like it'd have been shot for Sing/a//pore or /m/a/l/a/y/s/ia... or maybe /t/ai/wa/n. haha!

happy leap year day!! ^_^

and kr/is/p/y /kre/m/es/ a/re nice!!!! ^_^
glad that this blog is active again , we should make a video /MT/V of ourselves!!! so that when we're 50 we can look back and laugh! =D =D =D
Ya, I didn't know either until Tuesday. And I call myself a geographer.

And Krispy Kremes are SO sweet - I hate them too actually.

Anyone seen this before?
charmaine! why dun u like krispy kremes! i love em!!
and makk! i never knew tt there were earthquakes in the uk!


what i do to destress before a paper.

haha reminds me of the SPICE GIRLS performance we attempted in p4. dear me. i wudnt want to see us on youtube at all.


he esc/aped while being esc/orted to meet family

can you believe it?

anyway, don't believe the private sector thing HAHAHA my dad works at /c//i/s/c/o, which is supposed to be private (under /t/e/m/a/sek though) and ... hmm but actually i don't think they do prisons but they've security guards...n uh... q cmplicated cos labour pool q small (cos apparently sg-poreans are too smart for such 12-hour shift jobs. =( ) which gives him alot of problems .

will update when there's newS!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

More information on JI will be kindly appreciated! No time to read Straits Times - have to rush out an essay due in 2 hours - but plenty of time to blog of course. Quite strangely, when I saw this JI escape thing, I was (am still now) reading about prison reform and how 'outsourcing' prisons to the private sector has reduced prison abuses and escapes.

Alright, that was utterly irrelevant.

And I experienced my first real earthquake yesterday (not just aftershocks), just that I didn't realise it was an earthquake. I thought I was either a) dreaming or b) my neighbour was erm, shaking the floor.

does not address the j/i issue

i just wanted to comment that i REALLY want to watch ju/no!!! i tried to watch it with my sis but we were thwarted because the tickets were sold out although it had been showing for really long alr... ive heard so many wonderful things about it though!! growl. also, it won like best original picture at the oscars or something.

i will watch the links and then comment.

J/I member esc/apes from cus/tody!

a JI member escaped from custody at Whit/ley (near Ta//ng//lin) today at 4pm!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

/go/s/s/i/p g/irl/s us HAHA

ive heard of /j/un/o! but haven't watched it haha! my sister says its good though! ^_^ and glad to see everybody so THRILLEd by my gossips HAHAHAHA

also, wHO says/ /kr/i/spy /kre//mes set the benchmarks for doughnuts! j./co is GOOD okay! and from indonesia! and it's at raff/les city and there's a longgg queue there everyday, but which moves really quickly.

im absolutely hooked! and im swamped with work also but im online reading kore/an gossip blogs/ just watched /ep//ik/ h/i/gh's perf/ormance with /h/o/ney lee (miss /un/iverse finalist 2006 i think) of "F/a/n".

스타 되고싶어!!!i wanna be a /st/ar!!!! *raps and jiggles *
haha i googled it... came up with this s/ta/rblo/g thing: http://st|arbl|og.sto| i guess that's where her comment came from??

i hate krispy kremes. :(

looking forward to mak's spiel on peopl/e's pa/rk lalala

school is so hard and sucks so much. but good luck to everyone with exams!

have you guys watched j/un/o? i have just found this precious little theatre near my school that does indie movies. it looks wonderful!
you need to eat more krispy kremes. if the - apparently - best donuts in the world taste like that, that's enough to keep me off donuts for a very long time.

will tell you more about people's park later; need to go for (urg, 9 am!) lectures now.

Monday, February 25, 2008

/d/a//w/./n /y//a//ng/ a/nd /e/d/i//s/o/n /c//h/e/n?!

you heard it right!!!!

D/A/W?N y/ANG (aka plastic girl) was apparently approached by /e/di/s/o/on /c///h/en when they were both in japan! like he asked her over internet if she wanted to ahem ahem and she said no!!!

and now she’s like, “now tt the photos are out, im so glad i wasn’t foolish like the other girls”

she looks REALLY weird tho in that photo

ok my main point was to report the /d//a/w/n //y/a//n/g thing cos i doubt ANY of the papers you read would have it.. im no even sure if /m/yp/aper has an online version. HAAHAHA

*gossip monger*

(to tell the truth the above was cut and pasted from smth i typed to /m/e/l/m/a/k HAHAHA too tired to re-write the whole thing again. MWAHAHAH)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

burnt doughnut and want to get baby

this ain't a song and you can tune off after the first 2 minutes cos it's just more of the saammee.. i want a bAby!!! but i don't want to have s/e/x/ with a guy =(. but i don' really want to adopt either. and i don't want to need a sperm. *eek*

anyway im really pissed off cos i bought nice doughnuts yday, put them in the fridge, then when i took it out it was q cold so i microwaved it and it freaking turned black. i HATE this. and it's not like .... i mean it put there on the box that you can HEAT it up in a microwave oven! !#$!3%@#%@

anyway... m/a/k... so what went on behind the scenes with people's park???

i thought the n/y/p/s post was ookaaay... haha. yi/li/n! good luck with exams!!!! ^_^

Saturday, February 23, 2008

i don't know why i'm replying to choon's post about singapore building up a new city one month after, but this suddenly occured to me. a friend of mine does architecture here and i was reading his books and came across this article on singapore, which described the urban planning as tabula rasa. and there is a lot involved in how singapore chose to built certain complexes, ugly as they may seem; people's park is a good example.

yeah that was random.

a lot of the nyps stuff was actually quite true...

haha this is really reliving the old times
heyy (: check this website out (: its abt nyps, and though its a bit unjustified, its almost everything we went thru la haha
and i disagree abt how ppl dun keep in touch aft pri sch!! =D

Friday, February 22, 2008

of scandals and random memory!

suddenly thot of /b/ernic/e's post abt the a/u/t/is/tic kid earning money but not knowing how much he did... i can imagine it vividly. actually i think about it from time to time.. esp when im on the bus.

and im reading a book that my father's best friend (a girl, same age as my dad, who moved to Canada with her family and is back only to renew her passport cos she didn't want to give up citizenship.) recommended me... it's about a mother from T/a/iwa/n -- she's some political figure also -- and her son who is half-german. (they divorced) so the mother leaves ge/rma/ny when he is 14 and when they meet again 4 years later, he has shot up (height) and they don't really understand each other.

so the mother's like, okay let's write emails to each other, and you can get some money cos i can get like this newspaper to print out our correspondence in a column. so it's about bridging east+west, generations. that kinda thing.

so anyway 3 things i wanted to say:

1) i just read until a part in the book where it's like...the mother's telling her son (the style of the book is like: preachy preachy mommy, heck care european liberal sex booze drugs sonny -- not tt explicit la haha ) about how life's not all about friends, and they fall away when u start work, inevitably.

which made me sad, but looking at my parents, esp my dad, who didn't really talk to his best friend whole of tt night. and bcause he wasn't talking i suddenly felt a wave of pity (cos his best friend is like, vv noisy andchatty) so i ended up chatting to her

which leads to my second point

2) i found striking parallels b/w her + my dad... and me+ym!!!! which was like -_-. like i can SO imagine ym being like my dad, passive, wordless, and me chatting away, trying to make his future daughter listen to some new jap/anese or k/orean song i have. and u know my dad's best friend writes snail mail to our house EVERY year.. like every few months.. cos ill always open the letter box.. since young and i asked who writes them in that funny handwriting.

and u know my dad aLWAYS gets my MOTHER to REPLY her... by hand. and my mom and her aren't EVEn like... close friends. its my DAD's friend for heaven's sake. it's worse ym asking /sh/an to reply his emails for him next time. (because i mean i knOW s/h/an, i knew her before i knew ym anyway but anyway) i'll so kill him.

3) so i actually TOLD ym everything i wrote in point 2... .but he was distracted by the food that had just come. and even when he decided to respond he ... somehow ican't rmb what he said -- most prob it was some sort of smokey answer.

and anyway after tt... i asked him about his sister(who just got married) so ym said oh, they have a car, house... instalments.

then ym suddenly says like, "i feel like i have an aim in life now."

me: what aim?
him: as in i know what i want to work towards
me: like?
him: like i can see how it's possible to get a house, a car, etc

and then i felt vv sad!!!!!!

but i didn't say anything this time. n it's prob gonna be the same for a lot of us i suppose... i don't know.

n i guess this is q trite.. like vv 'common' in words but each of us has our own first-hand experience w this i guess

actualyl i'd meant to come on here and talk about /e/di/os/n /ch/en s/e/x scandal!!!!!!!! those who don't know, google those words immediately! hk is damn happening currently. and to advance my theory for about the fifth time tonight (once in email, once in my b/l/og, once in melm/ak's blog, once to my mother, ) i bet /e/di/ons c/he/n chose to come back to hk when he did because the news (entertainment bit) woudl be divided between him and //ly/d/i/a su/m's death!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

my wOrld is a song! this one's called "plan/etarium"

lj just copy and paste the code that's in the "embed" box at the right hand corner ^_^ hahaha anw i preferred the french song to the trAnce sOng.. but i think trance is good when im drunk

anw this is a ONe MINUTE clip of pl/anet/arium by o/t/suka a/i! its from the jap version of liu x/ing h/ua yu/an!!! it's a bit reminiscent of the fina/l /fantasy s/ong -- for Yun/a and Ti/dus. S/uteki /da/ n/e

hOpe you enjOy it! ^_^

Thursday, February 14, 2008

song stuck in my head...

its about 911, the woman's voice is so beautiful, the vid is really sad.
i dunno how to put the thing like how charmaine/choon did.

"une violence eternelle"

Saturday, February 9, 2008

most played on my itunes

cos this song makes me happy.

for empty days + wistful moods

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

hi its me

you guys are amazing. 

just reading through the posts, catching up, and i thank God for the amazing minds he's given us. i know nuts about politics and economics but i think that for such a young nation, singapore's done great! just that i think we need really good leaders with vision for the next few years to develop our people into less selfish, more outward-looking citizens. what bugs me most whenever i return for holidays is how people jump queues, squeeze their way first into trains & buses, and still can't shake off that 'i must buy cos it's on offer' mentality.. hardly any attitude of service in singapore at all but *sigh* it will take a while!

i just had a 4.5 hour shift of work in the kitchen at college and i'm so tired now... i want a foot massage.. haha ew choon you like breast massages?? so e3 xin1

i want prata too..

bernice what is your average uni week like? i'm really excited for u as a dancer!! =) =)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

ahh the stuff about mi/nds and c/ar/e//co/rne/r made me have to tell yo uthis story! i didnt actually witness this but they have a video (: i work with this 'company' of re/ta/rd/e/d danc/ers here and one of them is j/er/em/y who has spinal something or other and sits in a wheelchair.. he's tiny and oh so funny.. they do art projects also, and then they sell them for money at fairs and i think sometimes even a museum.. so jere/my was told one day that his art was bought, and he gets super excited and yells, "i can't believe it! someone bought my painting! i'm a professional artist!" and he throws the money he earned into the air. then the lady who works with them on their art and other things said, "how much did you earn, je/rem/y?" and he stares and says, "i don't know!"
ahhhhhhhhhhhh so great.

Monday, February 4, 2008

funny u should mention the population thing

because /l//k/y/ just said on the newspapers that he thought 6.5 million was WAYY too much and he thought 5.5 was optimum!!!! hahaha. anyway part of me is actually quite excited for the new shopping centres in orchard to open. new spAces.

and funny thing is that i'm doing this module on /m/o/d/ernism now and we're learning about like the birth of the City... and so we're studying pAris but reading what /l/e /c/or//bu/si/er had to say about it (he was featured in Lif/e! on sat btw) you'd think he was talking about To/k/yo, or C/a/mo/zo/tz from a wr/inkle in /ti/me HAHAHA rmb that book?

anyway recently my dad has been telling me more and more about his childhood, and it's just one of those things like how you know he really can rmb pre-modern singapore... where he used to live in a house his father built himself. and when he went to jc his dad just built a new extension (i immediately thot of par/agon's extension haha don't know why not like ive been shopping there) so that he could have his own room.

and yes yilin and i are suppd to meet up w u /min/ge/n at least one more time before you go back. be more active and jio us out! ill msg yil/in to try to coordinate smth maybe this cny cos yi/lin says she'll be vv free..
hm hmm lots has been being discussed here! so I'll cut to the chase...: you like our govt??! I'm thinking that there are really a few serious flaws with the new govt and that l/k/y ought to sit his son down at the dinner table and ask him what the heck he's really thinking. 6 million people in sin/gapore is going to be terribly ridiculous. at the rate we're going, I've already been seriously considering packing up and -returning- to Japan, seeing as to how most of us are probably going to have to work overseas at some point in our lives, in the very near future. anyway, haven't been reading much of the news lately so I'd better shut up since my level of knowledge of the current affairs is probably inadequate to be able to add any worth!

last week's news was quite depressing because for 5 or so consecutive days there were tons of reports on this and that death death death... it really got me thinking alot about the whole issue of life and death (if you get what I mean because of my beliefs) and it's something I tend to ponder over night and day once I start thinking about it. augh.

anyways, y/ilin used to supervise the min/ds kids cleaning the SIA headsets I think 2 years ago!! I remember her telling me about it! that's when I started taking notice of the headset packaging whenever I got on the planes! I think it's kinda... cute! hahas.

speaking of kids, today I tried (unsuccessfully) to get my kids to set up blogs to help them write more and hopefully in the process build up and improve on their writing skills. perhaps also to boost their interest and help them to see the real 'use' of writing... instead of always writing dull compositions that they feel nobody but the teacher is ever gonna read. hm. it was a flop anyway. only about 1/5 of the class actually managed to do it. or wanted to. I guess my plan was a little too idealistic and overenthusiastic.

by the way I don't think I mentioned it before becus yil/in didn't seem to know that day when I told her, but for my hols, I've been hanging out back in secondary school... as a full-time part-time relief teacher. and I must say, it's really been quite the experience... a rough little neighbourhood school, getting to see the 'other' side of the world. oh gosh.. and ya know to sorta be socio-linguistically smart, I've been speaking (or trying to, at least) their lingo.. and that has caused my speech to start going awry! it's really so weird. my cognition is really screwing up. either that, or I must've somehow damaged my left brain (or was it the right??) okay whatever.

hehe. hey, can we meet upto eat prata sometime soon? it's still my home-sweet-home-obsession HAHAs.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

hmm. i actually like the government now. i think there are actually quite a lot of ppl like me who are too bothered with their own - insignificant problems - to want to make any change.

sorry, i can't think of anything intelligent to say because constructive trusts in land make me extremely confused and hence stupid.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

the orphaned handphone

oh no how did you lose it?!?!
and your two concerns are rather vAlid.. always feel a bit ---- when old people clean up after me. =(


nvm think of it as chance to buy another hp. or WEAN yourself off hps HA HA HA

just hAd a fight with my sisters and ran/cabbed hOme. ya lj will scOld me agAin (am i not suppd to be over this whole childish escapist phase???? i have a feeling it will stay with me for life.) but anw im nOT as wrOng as one might thing i think the only thing i did wrOng was to leave n come hOme... anw my sister jus msged admitting her insensitivity but like what to do. im already hOme and online.

i don't know if im indulging myself but i think im trying to seek a justification for running away from bad situations. essentially there are certAin things i can't tolerAte - eg. disagreements w pple i lOve. sort of. like w /r/a/ch/el /h/ui. my sisters. OR disagreements w pple i don't give a shit abOut. let me think of a precedent.... hmm. ok that would just be ponning school/lessons. ha ha ha!

ok ok enOugh moaning.

hope you find ur hp soon! glad to find this blOg active ^_^ with alternating members of the shepherd's pie sorority ha ha ha ^_^. how come im always so free haha

Friday, February 1, 2008

bah humbug

i think ive lost my phone! i dont understand! i was talking in the hallway, then i went to the toilet, then when i came out, it was GONE! :( it mysteriously disappeared and i dont understand. :( sad.
teehee.. i guess i mean on a laaarger scale out of singapore. like is it possible in third world countries (haha). cos after all, that's where the poverty is. which is what affects me most.

i think s/ing//apore does quite a good job with those who need! although i have two main concerns: 1. what happens to disabled people after their parents die? are they taken care of by the state / family / what? 2. i dont like the way old people hafta clean up after me in hawker centres / food courts. i think old people shouldn't have to work unless they want to work. they dont have to live super comfortably, but they shouldnt be sweating and earning hourly wages. but im pro-welfare that way though i cant find balance. :X

hahahaha i think yilin might die if she has to massage you during breast cancer check up hahahahahaha

hehe im reading "t/he n/ine" by j/effr//ey to//obin now! it's really interesting! and its so nice to stay in and read on a friday afternoon. :) sleepy now
hey actually i think they dO have that, just that maybe on a smaller scale! and as for the SIA thing, they always have some sort of label on the packet before you tear it open and put the headphones on right? i remember that from the last time I took SIA, n thought cool! anyway MINdS people also help bind books i tihnk, i was in the library and there are little blue books with stickers on them tt said bound by XXX. ^_^

our government isn't so bad char, seriously. i was at henderson the other day, one of the blocks, with all the one-room apartments housing little old folks, and if you walk down the corridors you'll see stickers on almost all of them like "This unit is being taken care of by Lion Community Services" or something like that. people do check on the LBC (le/ft b/eh/in/d c/lass-- if they don't mindme calling them that o_O). also, i ve repeated this story to many people alot of times (ha ha) but like i do volunteer at /c//ar//e c/o/r/n/e/r right which gives free tuition to kids and also like free play time on sat morning -- all these only for kids from the poorest families in that area though -- and like some of them are rather pu/d/gy (meaning that for alot of the LBC - if i may extrapolate-- its not a question of a poverty level below that of basic sustenance -food etc... haha. im sure there are sOME people starving (maybe) but very small percentage? and there's always that one exception to foil all other efforts anyway.)

so yahh... don't need to get too emOtionAl about effecting social chAnge in singAp/ore, there are areas to improve but we're not that unfeeling/ un-social/ un-welfare-ish. haha.

i meanj ust ask /yi/lin the med fac does this annual thing in t/o/a p/a/y/oh where they set up booths and give free medical advice! ^_^ so cute right. when yil/ins year three im going to line up and ask her to check me out for br/ea/st cancer. HAHAHAHAHAHAH get free massage HAHAHAHAHAHA
teehee ch/oon, so true.. without rich people like m/ak (future), it's likely so/cial ent/repreneu/rship won't amount to much. it's all giving back to society, just in different capacities! PATRON!!!!

do you guys think it's possible for a paradigm shift in the function of govt with regard to public spending? where companies are encouraged to donate x amount of money to a micro-finance / social institution to avoid tax brackets. that way govt spending on unemployment reduces, job creation increases (hopefully). well, it's just a redistribution of resources. but perhaps through being more direct, it will be more effective. anyway, do you guys know that the MINDs schools in s/ingapore have a super cool relationship with SIA where they clean the headsets for SIA and get paid! they actually submitted a tender and won the bid. i thought that was quite cool though i think they're right now underpaid.

busybusybusy hehe. im going snowboarding again this weekend! daytrip up to do/dger/idge. it should be fun. it's like the only thing i look forward to! classes are mundane.... i dont understand my professors. sian. :( just submitted a proposal for a 2 week community service trip to ind/one/sia. bali! we're working with i/dep hopefully ( more than ever, school makes me think that im just not cut out for all this academic shit haha... all i wanna do are other things! it's been raining here... and yesterday there was a rainbow. it was huge and from where i stood, perfectly arc-ed and it hung over the campus. and i just thought it incredibly beautiful. :)