you heard it right!!!!
D/A/W?N y/ANG (aka plastic girl) was apparently approached by /e/di/s/o/on /c///h/en when they were both in japan! like he asked her over internet if she wanted to ahem ahem and she said no!!!
and now she’s like, “now tt the photos are out, im so glad i wasn’t foolish like the other girls”
she looks REALLY weird tho in that photo
ok my main point was to report the /d//a/w/n //y/a//n/g thing cos i doubt ANY of the papers you read would have it.. im no even sure if /m/yp/aper has an online version. HAAHAHA
*gossip monger*
(to tell the truth the above was cut and pasted from smth i typed to /m/e/l/m/a/k HAHAHA too tired to re-write the whole thing again. MWAHAHAH)