Monday, February 4, 2008

funny u should mention the population thing

because /l//k/y/ just said on the newspapers that he thought 6.5 million was WAYY too much and he thought 5.5 was optimum!!!! hahaha. anyway part of me is actually quite excited for the new shopping centres in orchard to open. new spAces.

and funny thing is that i'm doing this module on /m/o/d/ernism now and we're learning about like the birth of the City... and so we're studying pAris but reading what /l/e /c/or//bu/si/er had to say about it (he was featured in Lif/e! on sat btw) you'd think he was talking about To/k/yo, or C/a/mo/zo/tz from a wr/inkle in /ti/me HAHAHA rmb that book?

anyway recently my dad has been telling me more and more about his childhood, and it's just one of those things like how you know he really can rmb pre-modern singapore... where he used to live in a house his father built himself. and when he went to jc his dad just built a new extension (i immediately thot of par/agon's extension haha don't know why not like ive been shopping there) so that he could have his own room.

and yes yilin and i are suppd to meet up w u /min/ge/n at least one more time before you go back. be more active and jio us out! ill msg yil/in to try to coordinate smth maybe this cny cos yi/lin says she'll be vv free..