hey actually i think they dO have that, just that maybe on a smaller scale! and as for the SIA thing, they always have some sort of label on the packet before you tear it open and put the headphones on right? i remember that from the last time I took SIA, n thought cool! anyway MINdS people also help bind books i tihnk, i was in the library and there are little blue books with stickers on them tt said bound by XXX. ^_^
our government isn't so bad char, seriously. i was at henderson the other day, one of the blocks, with all the one-room apartments housing little old folks, and if you walk down the corridors you'll see stickers on almost all of them like "This unit is being taken care of by Lion Community Services" or something like that. people do check on the LBC (le/ft b/eh/in/d c/lass-- if they don't mindme calling them that o_O). also, i ve repeated this story to many people alot of times (ha ha) but like i do volunteer at /c//ar//e c/o/r/n/e/r right which gives free tuition to kids and also like free play time on sat morning -- all these only for kids from the poorest families in that area though -- and like some of them are rather pu/d/gy (meaning that for alot of the LBC - if i may extrapolate-- its not a question of a poverty level below that of basic sustenance -food etc... haha. im sure there are sOME people starving (maybe) but very small percentage? and there's always that one exception to foil all other efforts anyway.)
so yahh... don't need to get too emOtionAl about effecting social chAnge in singAp/ore, there are areas to improve but we're not that unfeeling/ un-social/ un-welfare-ish. haha.
i meanj ust ask /yi/lin the med fac does this annual thing in t/o/a p/a/y/oh where they set up booths and give free medical advice! ^_^ so cute right. when yil/ins year three im going to line up and ask her to check me out for br/ea/st cancer. HAHAHAHAHAHAH get free massage HAHAHAHAHAHA